Mind5® M.E.T.H.O.D.©
Personal leadership can’t be taught from a book. Most trainers and coaches will quit when we have just started. Discover now what optimal performance leadership REALLY means. Please leave your email address below and we’ll send you a 27 minute video about our proven method.
Happy to hear that you want to learn more about the scientific background of the Mind5® M.E.T.H.O.D.©.!
My name is Roelien Piron and I am the developer of the Mind5® M.E.T.H.O.D.© and Founder of Mind5®.
I am a researcher and innovator and I like to crack complex puzzles with regard to behavioral change.
Enjoy our video! Speak soon.
Did you already know:
You can form new neural connections in your brain with self-awareness training, which enable you to change your old patterns of behavior.
The experiences attached to emotion will be stored directly in long-term memory.
The Mind5 exercises will instantly give you insights into your subconscious beliefs and patterns of behavior.
The effectiveness of an intervention depends on many variables; all the different puzzle pieces need to fit together. This is the biggest challenge for most people and the main reason that they will fail over time when trying to make long-lasting impactful change.
By effectively applying and varying different physical and cognitive challenges and tasks, you can effectively expose patterns of behavior, train cognitive and strategic thinking, process your experiences, form new neural connections and create new patterns of behavior.
Bodily awareness is an essential component if you want to make the right decisions under pressure. While ironically, stress and traumatic experiences may cause a disconnection between body and mind.
Are you also fascinated by neurosciences, human movement, outdoor sports, coaching, leadership, and mental training?
Watch our video lecture of 27 minutes.
Now you will finally understand how behavioral change really works (and realize why other steps might not have been successful in the past)!
Do you understand things better if you experience them first?
In that case, you would probably love to join our free training experience first. Experience the Mind5® effect right away.
With only one exercise, which you can do at home, you will directly experience the impact of the Mind5® M.E.T.H.O.D.©.
Are you ready? Let’s get started!
Would you rather like to experience the Mind5 effect right now?
years active
people trained
Are you an experienced trainer, coach or leader?
We are looking for powerful partnerships!
We have trained Optimal Performance Leaders in 24 different countries across the world.
The changemakers in our diverse community inspire each other, share their network and co-create together.
In this leadership program, we will challenge you with physical exercises. You will collaborate with other leaders, coach each other, reflect and learn everything about Optimal Performance Leadership.
Mind5 is not a franchise, we’ll provide a super powerful tool in your toolbox. We will help you create your own personal authentic branding, sales, and marketing strategy, that will perfectly fit with you and with Mind5.
Are you ready to instantly make more impact in your environment? And are you ready to take the next step in your personal development as a leader, after already following a few leadership and coaching programs?
In that case, the Optimal Performance Leader 3.0 Program will be your next step!
Let’s meet. Chat with Roelien personally!