Mind5® is looking for partners with a shared mission and vision.
Are you a coach, trainer, consultant, sales rep, reseller, or affiliate partner and do you want to grow and co-create with us?
We are looking for coaches, trainers, and consultants
Mind5® is looking for independent coaches who want to use the Mind5® M.E.T.H.O.D.© for their clients. You can also use our method to attract new clients. We will help you with your personal branding, sales, and marketing strategy. As an independent Optimal Performance Leader, you can work everywhere across the globe.
Sales reps
Mind5® is looking for independent sales reps who want to sell the Mind5® Optimal Performance Leader Program within their network.
You’re an empathetic and authentic sales person. You connect easy with people and you are genuinely interested. We help you to find your ideal target group, create your sales pitch and your unique sales scripts. You can work from any place across the globe and you can choose your own availability.. You are free to contact people from any country that you like.
You will receive 1000 euros (ex VAT) for every program sold.
Resellers and affiliates
Mind5® is looking for resellers and affiliates who want to offer the Mind5® Optimal Performance Leader Program to their network.
Do you have a network of people who fit perfectly with Mind5® and the Optimal Performance Leader Program? Let’s collaborate!
We will offer a good commission. Please notice that we only work with resellers and influencers who are aligned with the Mind5® mission. We are all about collaboration and co-creation and we are aiming to establish a long-term relationship.